Thursday, September 21, 2006

Zion Made Quilt for Belvidere Habitat Home

On Display, up in the Friendship Hall, is the Quilt and pillow that Zion will present to the family of the Belvidere Habitat Home. The Quilt and pillow were made by our wonderful Zion Quilters.

Homecoming Parade Prior to Thursday Service

We were all treated to a parade, well, it wasn't for us, but for Belvidere. We all got to watch the parade go by our windows prior to the start of thursday Service. Then just as Service was completed, fireworks were heard.... and seen in the direction of the High School. Plus we had an added treat of cake and ice cream for someone's birthday... but we won't tell anyone how old you are tanya... he he.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Morning Sarah Circle

The Morning Sarah Circle meets monthly and always has the door open for you. Here are some of them taking a break and enjoy each others company. For more info on this groups activities contact any one of those here or the church office.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

mid-month Newsletter Helpers

I've been told that the newsletter you get is put together by the church mice. Well, I gotta tell you that that just ain't so. Here are some friendly faces who work hard to get the mid-month newsletter out to you folks.