God’s Work. Our Hands.
God’s Work. Our Hands is also a perfect way to honor our founders by bringing their legacy and vision to the forefront.
Please join us in God’s Work. Our Hands starting in less than two weeks on Sunday, September 7th following the 9:00 a.m. worship service for one hour of service to our congregation and its members. Let’s rebuild our commitment to each other so that we can better serve our community. Sign-ups are on the bulletin board in the Narthex for our first project.
· We are looking for volunteers as handyman helpers (there will be cards to fill out to suggest members who may need help with small fix it jobs. i.e. change light bulbs, batteries in smoke detectors, weed a flower bed, etc.)
· Baking cookies and/or cupcakes for shut-ins and deliver on Sunday, September 7th.
· Writing “miss you” notes to ‘missing’ members to encourage them to return to a caring congregation.
· Writing cards to shut-ins.
· Making packets for our families of children baptized in our church to encourage their relationship with Christ.
· Final Exam Care packages to college students from Zion.