Monday, February 14, 2011

Carpet in Sanctuary being replaced

Pic below is the last time you will see the Sanctuary looking like this,  picture was taken moments before we starting tearing out the old carpet.   The new goes in on Wednesday.  

Confirmands serving supper at Shepley Apartments

Confirmands serving Sunday Afternoon at the Apartments.   I do think both the kids and the residents had a good time.  Everyone was smiling and having a good time.   Food was great too !

Roof Shoveling at Church

Feb 13, 2011   1pm   45 degrees out..  first nice day in a long time.    6 of us shoveled the roof to get water moving and to stop the dripping inside the building.

Lois and Josh guarding the ladder and keeping the area safe

Moving water and removing snow on a nice day

Thanks guys for the hard work !