Monday, June 25, 2007

Zion Appreciation Picnic

Sunday was the Zion Appreciation picnic held at Kim and Gary's place. A BIG THANK YOU to them for allowing us to enjoy such a wonderful place. Everyone had lots a food to eat, good conversation and fun playing the games that were available.

Even horses !!!

Pastor (bean bag pro) Otto - action shot !

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bell Ringers Polishing Party

Yup, even the bells have to be cleaned up and maintained on a regular basis.

Here you see the crew working hard on keeping their equipment in the best of shape.

(click on photos to enlarge it -
photos courtesy of Diane Larsen)

well, okay,, maybe it wasn't all work all the time........

of course, there has to be food... the chef at work .....

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Last Service preformed by Pastor Harder

Pastor Harder gave his last service here at Zion. 5 years of his valuable time has been spent here. We greatly appreciate all that he has done and wish him well at his next stop in life, the Messiah Lutheran in Elgin is very blessed to have him.

On behalf of all those here at Zion, a plaque was presented to him.

Blessing of the Grads !

The blessing of the graduating Seniors took place this sunday.

Remember to keep in touch with us as you go on with your new found lives.