Saturday, October 28, 2006

2006 Fall Festival Event

The 2006 Fall Festivial Event was held friday night and the kids had a Blast !!

Additonal pictures can been seen hanging on the Bulletin Board up in the hallway by the Fellowship Hall.

THANKS to all the kids and parents that participated and a HUGE THANKS to all those that set up and hosted the event.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Zion Blanket-a-thon

The Zion Blanket-a-Thon was held tuesday night, (7 to 9 pm).
Everyone had fun and we all got a lot done.

They sure looked good when we got them all done.

Even the guys can get involved in this. Next time come with the wives.

See you at the next one ! Watch the newsletter or this space for the next event.

End of Month Newsletter Helpers

Here are some of the End of Month Newsletter helpers !

Yup, done by these folks.. not by the church mice as rumored.

They work hard every month to get your newsletter out on time to you !

THANKS ladies !!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Church Cleaned up

Last Saturday was cleanup day at the church. I would like to thank all of you that helped in the cleanup. Thanks to the Boy Scouts for fixing all of us breakfast. Most of you will probably agree with me, that that was the best part of the day !!! We got a lot done, a lot got cleaned, and a lot of projects got started. Thanks to all.

Breakfast served to us by the Boy Scouts !!! Good Job troopers !!!

more pictures in the next Blog below !!!

more church cleaning pics

more images from yestereday's cleaning of the church.

The church got its cleaning and now it's ready for the rest of fall and winter. God Bless.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Blessing and Turn over of Habitat House to Family

Saturday, October 7th, 2006, was a perfect day to be outside. Today we turned over the Habitat House keys to the Switzer family. After blessings from Pastor Otto and all the welcoming gifts given to the family. We all went inside to check out the new house. I love the smell of paint.. gives you that feeling of... kinda like the smell of a new car does.

Thanks to everyone that helped directly or indirectly with building a dream for a family. Thanks to all.

The Family with the quilts from Zion.

Pastor Tom Groth ofJefferson Prairie Lutheran talks as a good size crowd on a very good day to be outside.

now.. into the house we go......

Some of our Zion hard workers at the event as well.

As life starts anew ..... a new house, a new start.....

This is what it's all about... a kid having a place to call home.... Amen.